Putting 2&2 Together
Putting 2&2 Together
Episode 57: Things That Keep Us Up at Night
It seems like nobody can sleep tonight. In this series of vignettes, the cast is forced look within (and sometimes without) to finally get the sleep they need. Based on the play Two and Two Together by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Written, Directed, and Produced by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Starring (in order of appearance) Alexander Pirnie as Walter Gettelman, Dan Murray as Tommy Hanson, Jackson Page-Hughes as Jax Martin, Jenny Hughes as Brin Matthews, Chrissy Lewis Pirnie as Maureen Sloan, Chris Rose as Anthony Wallace, Angela Rossi as Christine Rogers, Jon Vellante as James Rogers, Peter Cosmas Sofronas as Jason Reyas, Dalton Chase Crawford as Nick Reyas, and Adam Heroux as David Sharpe. Credits and Narration by Leonard Caplan. Sound Engineering by Dan Murray. Sound Editing by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Theme Music by Valerie Forgione. Special thanks to Dan Murray. Extra special thanks to Del Shores and his writing master class.
Scripts of Two and Two Together and the first two seasons of Putting 2&2 Together can be purchased at Amazon.com. Merchandise available at TeeSpring. Donations can be made at By Me a Coffee. For further information, please visit puttingtwoandtwotogether.com.